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时间:2017-01-09 15:02来源:香港现场开奖 作者:www.wzatv.cc 点击:
谢谢关注缓慢思考。 原文来自YC的CEO Sam的blog。这是我看到的关于年轻人如何思考未来最好的建议,没有之一。我的唯一补充建议就是:如果你还年轻,阅读三遍!:-) As a kid, I jus


  原文来自YC的CEO Sam的blog。这是我看到的关于年轻人如何思考未来最好的建议,没有之一。我的唯一补充建议就是:如果还年轻,阅读三遍!:-)

  As a kid, I just sort of took for granted that stuff got better every year—TVs got bigger and then thinner, cars got a little faster, and computers got unbelievably better on an exponential curve.

  孩子的时候,我想当然地认为,每年都会越来越好 — 电视越来越大,越来越薄,汽车越来越快,电脑以指数曲线的速度变好。

  As an adult, I realized that the future is not guaranteed to be better. The default is that things stay the same (or get worse because we continue to create new problems and occasionally get in wars). The world only gets better if committed people with strong visions about the future work hard to make it better.


  It’s easy to get caught up in the moving sidewalk of a career and end up deeply involved in something that does not maximize your potential. It’s never too late to change, and it’s always good to be thoughtful about the path you’re on and how to best use your time.


  I made some notes before my brother Jack interviewed me for How to Build the Future, where I mostly talked about how ambitious young people should think about their careers. I thought I’d clean those up to share for the New Year. Here they are.


  1. On What To Work On (做什么工作)

  I think the best way to pick what you want to do is to find the intersection of what you’re good at, what you enjoy, what the world needs, and what the world values.


  It’s not easy to figure out what you actually care about– there are so many directions you can go. But rather than listening to where other people might push you, it’s worth trying to figure this out for yourself. Don’t chase other people’s ideas of what matters. The best way to succeed long-term is to deeply believe that what you’re doing matters.

  弄清楚你真正关心什么并不容易 — 有这么多方向你可以去。但不要听随其他人推动你,你需要自己搞明白。不要追逐别人的想法。长期成功的最好办法是深深相信你在做的事情很重要。

  Most people just fall into things that come their way. That can work – people sometimes just have to try stuff to figure out what they like – but I think it’s worth being more deliberate. Try to develop and carefully refine strong convictions about what you want to accomplish.

  大多数人都是随遇而安。这没什么问题 — 有时候我们需要尝试才能找出喜欢什么 —— 但我认为我们可以更加慎重筹划。尝试去发现并不断优化形成你对自己人生职业目标的坚定信念。

  The framework I’ve found most useful for helping people think through career decisions is to consider both impact maximization and regret minimization—a decision that scores well on both is likely to be a good one.


  2. On Achieving Success (如何实现成功)

  The way to get things done in the world is a combination of focus, personal connections, and self-belief.


  You should work really hard. You should be willing to do whatever it takes; society doesn’t owe you success. Be a doer, not a talker – history belongs to the doers.

  你应该努力工作。你应该去做任何达到目标必须的事情; 社会不欠你的成功。让自己成为一个行动者,而不是一个高谈阔论者 — 历史属于行动者。

  Whatever you choose to do, you’ve got to believe in your own capacity to succeed. People will doubt you and think your goals are impossible or dumb, but you have to stand behind your convictions.


  It’s ok to start off motivated by wanting to make a lot of money or wanting fame and glory. At some point though, most people need to find a deeper mission to keep pushing forward.

  开始的时候, 你的动力可能是因为钱或想要的名望和荣耀。但到了某些时候,大多数人需要找到一个更深的使命才能继续前进。
